Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let's Celebrate!!!!!!!

OK, I know I haven't kept up with my blogging like I hoped I would so this post might be a little long. We've had a lot to celebrate lately. It started at the beginning of the month with a really great Mother's Day/My Birthday weekend. We had a Bar-B-Que in the backyard with family and friends. The kids really enjoyed playing in the pool and eating watermelon, even when the pool turned into a mud pool. We have had so much rain here that the ground is so saturated. So with the kids in and out of the pool they tracked mud all into it, but like I said they didn't mind at all.
Picture of the mudding pool.
Drew and his watermelon.
Erica enjoying some of Joe's home brew.
They boys testing out their Uncle's bike.

Logan had his last day of school on the 14th and I just couldn't believe the school year was over. He had such a great year and learned so much. He really liked having Ms. Joy, the science teacher, visit once a month. He is definitely my nature/science boy. He loves anything that lives in the water, looking at and catching bugs, and dinosaurs. I will have to do another post about our trip to Orlanda in April. We went to Animal Kingdom and Sea World and the kids had a blast!!
Logan's end of the year party.
Logan looking at his scrapbook that his teachers made for him. It is so cute!!
Lunch at Logan's end of the year party.

So the 9th was my birthday and with some of my birthday money I decided to actually spend it on something for ME. I love to bake and have had my eye on a Kitchen Aid mixer for years now. I just couldn't find it in me to spend $200+ on a mixer. I looked and researched for another mixer that was just as good but less money. I found a really good deal on a Hamilton Beach stand mixer that got great reviews. It is rated by Consumer Reports as a Best Buy. So I ordered it and it came the other day. I'm now looking for something good to make.
My new mixer!!!

We got great news today that Logan has been given a spot in the Georgia Pre-K program right here by the house. I am so excited. I was so worried on Tuesday when I called and they told me that most of the spots had been filled. I called a couple other schools and they said that all their spots were full. Well we got a call today and Logan has a spot, thanks Karyn and Katie!!!! I just can't believe my baby will be going to school all day every day.
So now for the BIG news, we are so excited to announce that we are going to have another baby!!!! Yes it was made offical today at my doctors appointment. Joe didn't want to tell anyone until after the appointment, like the home test wasn't real enough. I am due on January 17, yes another winter baby. We are now praying that it is a healthy baby girl to complete our family.
So there you have it, a long summuary of our last month. I'm really hoping that I can keep up blogging so that I can document this pregnancy.


Erica said...

You really do have a lot to celebrate! I am so excited for you and your family. Congratulations on the school and pregnancy! I am thrilled for you all! Think Pink!!!!

Crafty Lady said...

Congratulations!!!! How in the world can you keep secrets like that? :) I'm thrilled for you guys! We need some more girls in the neighborhood. ;)
I'm happy for the school thing too, things have a way of working out perfectly. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! Sorry my computer hasn't been hooked up!! (Moving) I got onto my hubby laptop to check Facebook the other day and saw your status!!! LOVE IT! CONGRATS! How wonderful. Sounds like you have so many GREAT things going on. YEAH! I wish I was there to do a shower. And yes, like Erica said, THINK PINK...By the way, since when does Erica get on here? Tell her to update her blog too! I want to know everything I'm missing, B/C I miss all of you! :)

BAja said...